Caculating Monotony and Strain in Power Bi

Do you still use monotony and strain to monitor your athletes for overtraining?

Well in this weeks #PowerBiForSportScience tutorial I will show you how to calculate monotony and strain to power up your monitoring reports.



We have spoken a lot about the #ACWR in a couple of videos and posts. But before the #ACWR, monotony and strain was often used to monitor athletes for overtraining. What are these metrics?

There is a great article on simplifaster1 which talks through the concepts. But simply put, monotony shows the variation in training load, by using a training load average divided by the standard deviation of that load, over a specific period. In the example of our video, we used 7-days.

Monotony = Training Load Average / Standard Deviation

Whereas strain, uses the load on a given day times the monotony on that day.

Strain = Training Load * Monotony

Original research2 highlighted that a high percentage of illnesses could be attributed to the strain of exercise, particularly when it became highly monotonous. Using a combination of both #ACWR and monotony/strain might be beneficial to your monitoring going forward to identify athletes most at risk of overtraining injuries or illnesses.

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Enjoy the video and if you have any questions, please leave a comment below.


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