
Tutorial - Plotting Shots in Power Bi using R

Hi all, last time we created a nice shot plot using the built-in scatter plot for Power Bi. Today we will take things a step further, using the R Custom Visual in Power Bi.

Tutorial - An Easy Way of Plotting Shots in Power Bi

Hi all, following on from my last tutorial, I have now created something more football specific using the built-in scatter plot in Power Bi. This tutorial will take you through building a basic shot plot with shots coloured by outcome.

Tutorial - Categorical Slicers in Power Bi

This is the beginning of a series of posts using Power Bi. I have used Power Bi extensively over the last few years and this tool has improved massively to be the world leader in Bi. This first tutorial demos how to use categorical slicers in different configurations. I hope you enjoy!

Importing StatsBomb Data in to R

Since I wrote this first post back in 2019, a few things have changed with how our capture the data from the StatsBomb open data sets. So this post, is mostly unchanged, but the code itself is different and will work with newer versions of R, namely 4+.

Creating a Jitter Chart in PowerBi

For this post, I will run through a method of creating a jitter chart using only DAX in caluclated columns

Tutorial - Plotting shots using StatsBomb freeze frame data

Following on from last weeks post on plotting passes, I thought it might be fun to plot the shots and locations of players using the shot freeze frame in StatsBomb data.

Tutorial - Plotting Passes on a pitch

For this tutorial I am going to show you how to plot all the passes from a match on a pitch. We are going to go through this in a few steps and add some detail as we go.

Power Bi - Importing Data

For this new post I decided to make a video tutorial of importing data from a csv in to Power Bi. The video itself is basic, and will appear at the bottom of this post, but I will accompany it below with a few steps and a guide of how I import data in to Bi.

Tutorial: Examining shots by different pitch zones

An examination of shots from different pitch locations using R and the x y coordinates provided by StatsBomb

Extracting Freeze Frames

A tutorial on extracting freeze frame data from free StatsBomb data in R. In this tutorial we will use the dplyr and purr packages from R